Level 1
A2Art Attack
Authors Jan Burchett, Sara Vogler
Fantasy and Myths
Robbie’s great-aunt Stella is an inventor, and when she goes to live in the Happy Days Care Home, she decides to invent something to make her new friends’ lives more interesting. But now Desmond and Peggy cannot be found, and Stella’s invention is the reason for their disappearance…
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Chapter 1 The Three Paintings
Robbie is visiting Aunt Stella, and she is very upset. She thinks her friends have gone missing and it’s all her fault. Robbie wonders if she’s confused, but Aunt Stella is an inventor...
Chapter 2 A Forest Adventure
Robbie follows his great-aunt Stella into a painting. He must find her and her friends in the incredible world she has created, but he is finding it hard to remember them...
Chapter 3 The Warning
Robbie is determined to reach Aunt Stella, but any superpower he chooses to help him won’t last for long. And he’ll have to make the avatars think that he is still having fun...
Chapter 4 The Deadly Lake
Aunt Stella’s game has been changed, and she is not happy about it. She and Robbie still have to find Peggy and Desmond before Guide punishes them for not having fun...
Chapter 5 Deleted
Robbie and Aunt Stella are in grave danger. Guide is determined that this will be the end for them. But if the avatar traps them in the bin, will they be able to find a way out?