Level 2
C.O.R.G.I. and the Pursuit of the Prince’s Pants
Author Ian Billings
An unassuming dog kennel on top of Buckingham Palace is home to C.O.R.G.I. - by day, simply pets yapping at Her Majesty’s heels but by night a keen-eyed, wet-nosed pack of highly trained canine agents. Each a specialist in his or her field (or alley), the team utilises state of the art squeaky bones and high tech pooper scoopers to defend the Crown. When Prince Cedric the 29th of the Royal Household of Utter Phalia discovers his Ceremonial Pants missing whilst visiting Buckingham Palace, a major international incident has to be averted. But who can help? A ransom note arrives in the Royal Mail beginning with the words, “If you ever want to see your pants again....”. Its time to whistle for help. It’s time to unleash C.O.R.G.I.! Cover illustration by Hunt Emerson
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Chapter 1 Dogs on a Mission
Time – just after lunch Place – somewhere over the Tower of London Date – a Friday in September HRH, or Her Royal Highness to her friends, was sitting aboard the royal helicopter nibbling at a ...
Chapter 2 Beefeater Bedlam
“Flea!” barked James, suddenly. “No,” said Alesha. “We have to stay here and solve the… argghhhhhh!! Flea, flea, flea, flea!” 10,000 fighting, biting, nipping, skipping, fleas had leaped, jumped...
Chapter 3 Down in the Dumpster
Creeeeeeeaaaaaaakkkkkk!!! Suddenly three sets of corgi paws were scrambling and scratching and three sets of corgi mouths were screaming and shrieking in the air. Within a few seconds (which is a...
Chapter 4 A Royal Rumpus
Horace lay happily unconscious at the feet of the queen, hiccuping occasionally, as the guards stepped out from their hiding places and began slowly to advance. Alesha looked from Horace to the qu...
Chapter 5 Last Pants Standing
Foo Foo la Diva smiled a devilish grin at the massed ensemble and wafted the lighter below the box clenched in her manicured paw. “One more step and ‘woof’!” she cackled, “Tee hee ho hee ho! BOL....