Level 3
Mind Swap
Author Alex Woolf
Human interest
Simon Archer is a bully. He’s nasty to his classmates, his teachers, his mum. Then, one morning, Simon looks in the mirror and gets a shock. The face staring back at him is not his own. Who did this to him? And will anyone ever believe who he really is? Simon’s body has changed – but can he ever change inside? You decide...
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Chapter 1 Transformed!
It’s half past two. Still an hour to go before the end of school! How will I survive? Grimes the geography teacher is droning on about oxbow lakes – who cares? Kids are nodding off in their seats....
Chapter 2 The Challenge
“C’mon, Foxy! Hand over your lunch money!” says Tom, grinning from ear to ear. I narrow my eyes at him and puff out my puny chest. “Get stuffed!” I snarl. Is that the first glimmer of respect I ...
Chapter 3 An Unexpected Meeting
Dev and Tom have cornered Clare by the climbing bars. They’re taunting her, calling her names. She’s not looking at them, though. She’s looking straight at me, pleading with her eyes for some help...
Chapter 4 Decision Time
Okay, I’ve decided what I’m going to do. I get to my feet and walk slowly across the playground towards Andrew. He’s got his back to me, chatting with his geeky mates. “Hey,” I say in my most gent...
Chapter 5 A Change of Mind
I’m itching to go down to the basement and confront Foxy’s dad, but something about what Andrew just said holds me back: what if these messages really are from Dylan? He has to be somewhere, right...