Level 2
Mystery at Moon Base One
Author Alex Woolf
Science Fiction
Moon Base One is the first human colony on another world. And it has just gone silent. Adam and Katya have travelled from Earth to take over from Laura and Chris, the base’s two occupants. But on landing, they find no sign of them. And Scuttle the robot reports that the pair left two days ago to investigate a signal from a cave. Adam and Katya set out urgently – their friends must have run out of oxygen. But the trail leads them only into greater mystery…

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Chapter 1 Deserted
When Adam and Katya arrive at Moon Base One and find its occupants missing, they set off on a lunar mission to save Laura and Chris. What is this mysterious signal that Laura and Chris have followed?
Chapter 2 Through the DOW
Stepping into 2079, Adam and Katya discover the moon base is no longer deserted. But who, or what, has taken control? And will Adam and Katya be able to pass through the door of water once more?
Chapter 3 Trouble in Florida
Earth’s space history hangs in the balance when the 1969 moon landing mission is cancelled. Adam and Scuttle must save it! But who can help them? And can Katya escape back at Moon Base One?
Chapter 4 The Fading Base
Adam and Scuttle manage to stop the astronauts being poisoned but now they are locked up! Unexpected help is at hand, though Chris and Laura haven’t given up on sabotaging the Apollo 11 mission ...
Chapter 5 Space Potatoes!
Katya, Adam and Scuttle finally catch up with Laura and Chris. But will the time travellers be able to stop the aliens from taking over Moon Base One? The past and the future are at stake!
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Alex Woolf counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!