Level 2
Stop that Sorcerer!
Author Paula Niclomhair
Fantasy and Myths
When Pezar’s palace is attacked by a powerful sorcerer, the pampered prince is forced to flee. Will he succeed in disguising himself as a commoner? Will he avoid being captured by the sorcerer and his guards? Will he be able to rescue his parents, the king and queen? You decide!
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Chapter 1 The Pampered Prince
Prince Pezar pouted into the bathroom mirror. He didn’t want to go to bed. When he became king of Nearsia, he would make it law that children could go to bed at whatever time they wanted. You see...
Chapter 2 Dark Magic
Pezar gazed around him miserably. Suddenly, he realized how people felt when they were locked up. The cell was very small and cramped and it felt as if there was no air to breathe. He turned to th...
Chapter 3 Flight Across the Sands
“Look!” cried Latima, clinging tight to the edge of the flying carpet. “Can you see it?” Through the fuzzy heat haze, Pezar thought he could make out something far ahead. It was a tiny dot in the...
Chapter 4 A Quick Exit
A loud banging on the door interrupted the genie. Everybody froze. “Who is that?” quaked Pezar. Jahra silently slipped up to the window. She peeked out curiously through the shutters. “It’s Alma...
Chapter 5 Many Surprises
The guards grabbed Jahra and started dragging her towards their magic carpet. Pezar stood at the back of the crowd, biting his lip, trying to make up his mind. Then he decided. He began pushing h...