Level 3
The School for Supervillains
Author Louie Stowell
Fantasy and Myths
Mandrake DeVille is on her way to St Luthor’s School for Supervillains, where a single act of kindness lands you in the detention pit, while, on the other hand, bullying is positively encouraged. Mandrake is the daughter of billionaire supervillains, with budding superpowers of her own, so in theory, she should thrive at the school. There’s just one snag: she secretly wants to be a superhero. Can she possibly succeed?
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Chapter 1 Welcome to St Luthor’s
Mandrake DeVille sat in the back seat of her parents’ armoured limo as it wound up the mountainside. A sheer drop fell away to the car’s left. To the right rose a mossy cliff-face. The bulletproo...
Chapter 2 A Hero in Villain’s Clothing
“I choose the nightmare chamber.” Mandrake’s voice sounded calmer than she felt. Excited chatter buzzed around the room. The Master looked pleased, which couldn’t be good. Had she made the wrong...
Chapter 3 Breaking and Entering
So, it’s just me myself and I, thought Mandrake. I should be used to it by now. She drummed her fingers on the arms of her comfortable reclining chair, trying not to sink into a puddle of lonely ...
Chapter 4 Target Practice
Mandrake’s finger curled around the trigger. “What are you doing?” Caligula took a step forward. “Helping my friends.” Mandrake’s finger squeezed and VOOM! A column of sizzling white light engul...
Chapter 5 The Evil Inside
The Lifesuckers at each end of the laboratory emitted a buzzing roar that grew louder and louder. Mandrake looked up through the windows on the back wall. She wished she could just fly away throug...