Level 2
The Curse of Castle Drago
Author Stewart Ross
When news arrives at King Zoltan’s court that the important passage through the mountains of Slatina has been taken over, the Guardian of the Pass killed and his wife taken hostage, King Zoltan must act carefully. He cannot let the hostage die, and he cannot give in to Count Gragolod who has done this. Cyrus is only a young squire, but he is chosen by Slatina’s greatest warrior to help on a rescue mission. But how can they hope to succeed in the perilous quest to the cursed Castle Drago?
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Chapter 1 A Dreadful Warning
King Zoltan is respected by his people, but not loved. When his kingdom is threatened by Count Gragolod and Lady Aleksandra kidnapped, the king needs a volunteer to rescue her...
Chapter 2 Terror from the Sky
The road to Castle Drago is full of danger. Banquin is betrayed and Cyrus must finish their mission to rescue Lady Aleksandra alone. Will a young farmer he meets prove to be a friend?
Chapter 3 The Tower of Bones
Cyrus and Panglim reach the castle but they can’t find a way in! When the old traitor knight returns and says he will help them, can Cyrus really trust him?
Chapter 4 The Vault of Sorrow
When Whesput is snatched from the tower by the Orme, it is up to Cyrus, Banquin and Panglim to find the Vault of Sorrow and rescue Lady Aleksandra. Disguised as Gragolod’s guards, who can stop them?
Chapter 5 The Curse
Cyrus, Maya and Banquin come face-to-face with Count Gragolod at last. He is terrifiying, so when he snatches Aazin’s potion, Cyrus is sure it means certain death. But the curse is not all it seems...
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