Level 3
Drama Club
Author Marie-Louise Jensen
Human interest
A group of friends are involved in their local youth drama club at a small city theatre. When their leader, the charismatic Mr Beaven, announces he wants to put on a major new play at the end of the summer holidays, the cast is very excited. Amidst rivalry, hopes and disappointments, will there be more drama on or off the stage? And who will get the leading roles? You decide...
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Chapter 1 Fortunately, Unfortunately
I’m waiting for my three friends on the corner of Lime Avenue with a flutter of excitement in my stomach. It’s the middle of the day – baking hot – and I’m wishing I hadn’t got here early. A wind ...
Chapter 2 Decisons, Decisions
“Sit down, folks and listen,” says Badger. I stand gripping Indira’s hand in anticipation of Badger’s decision – hoping I will be Beauty – but his voice is grave. “I’m afraid I have some upsetting...
Chapter 3 Causes and Consequences
It’s Monday afternoon and Luchi and I are tapping on Indira’s window again. It opens and we’re relieved to see her peep out. “‘Sup, Indira?” asks Luchi. “We’ve missed you. Any luck talking them ‘...
Chapter 4 Cakes and Confrontations
“We really should just go in and talk to them!” whispers Taylor. “Are you with me Zoe?” There are butterflies in my belly. But I whisper: “Yes, let’s do it.” I push the door and hold it open so ...
Chapter 5 The Final Curtain
Everyone’s looking at me. They’re expecting me to sort this out. I stand up and take a deep breath. “Indira,” I say. “I need you to take on the role of Beauty... Alice, you can play the mother ins...