Level 3
Finding Hope
Author Marie-Louise Jensen
Human interest
Orphan refugee, Faly, has a dark and troubled past. When she is adopted into a new family, she finds it hard to adjust. So does Jake, whose life of show-jumping and caring for his horse, Thunder, is suddenly interrupted by a new sister that he never asked for – a sister who won’t even speak to him. Faly has survived more than Jake can possibly imagine. Now she has a second chance at life. If only she could tell him…
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Chapter 1 New Arrivals
Faly It’s cold here. Everything’s cold; the air, the house, the colours. It’s dark and gloomy and I don’t like it. And everyone is pale, so pale, as if they never ever see the sun. I shiver. The...
Chapter 2 Lost and Found
Jake The smell of bacon grilling wakes me. It’s Sunday morning. I’ve got the whole day today to train Thunder. Excitedly, I bounce out of bed, tug my clothes on and head down the stairs. “Mornin...
Chapter 3 Police and Pandemonium
Jake The whole stable yard has gone mad! People and horses are charging everywhere. The wild mare has upset the other horses and one of them has got loose. A little boy is crying, two girls have j...
Chapter 4 Showjumping Shock
Faly Jake is sitting high on his horse, yelling words down at me. I don’t understand them but I know he’s angry; his face is red and twisted. It looks awful. I feel his rage like a hot wave, scal...
Chapter 5 Kidnap!
Jake Panic sears me when I see the black van driving off with my sister captive inside. Without stopping to think, I turn Thunder away from the victory line. We dash out of the ring and canter s...