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A2My Clueless Dad
Author Cethan Leahy
It’s ‘Bring Your Kid to Work Day’, and Tina is helping her dad, Detective Sugar, investigate the theft of the Mona Lisa from a London art gallery. The trouble is, Detective Sugar is totally clueless! The theft has left no trail at all, not even a fingerprint. How are this unlikely duo supposed to crack the art theft of the century?
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Chapter 1 A New Case
Tina’s dad is the second best detective in London, and he has a case that seems impossible to solve. It’s just as well that it’s ‘Bring Your Kid to Work Day’ so that Tina can help him out!
Chapter 2 A Brush with Crime
Tina is hot on the trail of the shadowy figure as she investigates the disappearance of the world’s most famous painting. But what or who will she find?
Chapter 3 A Slip Up
Tina and her dad are in terrible danger! Or are they? They can’t afford to slip up while the shadowy figure makes its escape, but the floor is very wet...
Chapter 4 Alarming News
With Tina and her dad locked in the security cage, the shadow is making a quick escape. How can they possibly get themselves out of this alarming situation?
Chapter 5 The Complete Picture
All the clues point towards Ms Brush being the culprit responsible for the theft of the ‘Mona Lisa’ – but Tina isn’t sure. It all seems too convenient. Can Tina and her dad finally reveal the truth?
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Cethan Leahy counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!