Level 3
Omar’s Farm
Author Marie-Louise Jensen
Human interest
Refugee Omar is finding it difficult to settle into his new life in Britain, until Emerald introduces him to the city farm where she volunteers. Then the farm is threatened with closure and Omar and Em must fight to keep it open. Will they succeed?
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Chapter 1 Mysteries to Solve
“Bye, dad!” calls Omar, waving. Omar’s dad turns one more time and waves back. “Remember, stay out of trouble, Omar!” he calls. Then he disappears around the corner of the block of flats. A pain...
Chapter 2 Finding the Farm
Reece picks up another stone. Omar’s not sure if he is intending to throw it at the factory building or at Em. He has to do something. “Put down the stone!” says Omar, bravely stepping forward to...
Chapter 3 Confusing Clues
Omar gasps. Nadine is stealing! He looks across at Em but she hasn’t seen a thing. She’s paying the very stern-looking woman at the till. Other customers are in the shop, but they’re not nearby. ...
Chapter 4 Hide and Seek
“I’ve found a clue!” says Em grinning, as Omar hurries over to her. He bends down to peer closely at what she’s found. There on the ground, is the butt of a fat cigar. “Oho!” says Omar excitedly...
Chapter 5 Stake-Out!
The door opens and the footsteps come right into the room where Omar is hiding. He sits as still as a statue. Perhaps whoever it is will leave without finding him. But then the bookcase Omar has ...