Level 1
A2The Source
Author Cethan Leahy
Science Fiction
Finn Wells is just a normal schoolboy in the 25th century. Life is easy. Too easy. And Finn finds it almost boring. His comfortable world is powered by The Source, which provides all the energy needed for the amazing gadgets and machines. But when Finn’s class has a school trip to visit The Source, Finn learns more about it, and the terrible truth behind the easy life he is living…
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Chapter 1 A Brighter Tomorrow
Finn isn’t very excited about his school trip to visit The Source – the power behind his society. In fact, he isn’t excited about anything recently. But the trip turns out to be full of surprises...
Chapter 2 Brave New Girl
Finn is convinced that the mysterious girl has something to do with The Source going missing. Is there anyone he can ask for help? Or could he possibly do something about it himself?
Chapter 3 Going Outside
With the guards ready to burst in, Finn must make a quick decision about what to do with The Source. But if he trusts the mysterious girl, where might he end up?
Chapter 4 Reset
Some of the Outsiders want revenge, and this leaves Finn in a very difficult position. What kind of revenge will the Outsiders try to get on the Inside? And whose side will Maria be on?
Chapter 5 Batteries Not Included
The Source is wreaking havoc on the Inside. Finn and Maria need to stop Watt’s revenge attack, but how? And can they ever hope to make the Outside and the Inside work together?
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Cethan Leahy counted on the participation of readers while writing. If you haven't read the book... Beware of spoilers!