Level 2
The Thought Snatcher
Author Damian Harvey
Ellie Edison and her grandfather have created a device that can read people’s minds. It picks up people’s brainwaves and displays them on a screen. Although it doesn’t always get everything right, Ellie believes their invention could be very successful. The only trouble is, some people want to use the device for their own evil plans… and her grandfather has disappeared.
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Chapter 1 Pure Genius
Ellie Edison may be a genius, but the rest of her family are not. Well, her grandfather is, but he’s been missing for months. And he had just found a way to fund their invention, the Thought Snatcher.
Chapter 2 A Special Invitation
Ellie is convinced that her grandad needs her help, but no one else seems bothered by his disappearance. A visitor makes her more determined than ever to find some answers...
Chapter 3 Proof at Last
Ellie’s search for her grandad continues, with the invitation to the TV show seeming to offer an important clue to his whereabouts. But she will need help, and it comes from an unexpected person...
Chapter 4 Chance Hall
Lazarus Malevolo has interesting information for Ellie and Tim, but can he be trusted? The twins might be impressed by Chance Hall, but what about its owner, the billionaire Sir James Rixton?
Chapter 5 Locked Away
Sir James Rixton seems to have the twins totally under his control, with no chance of escape. But then some unexpected help arrives! Can the Edisons hope to triumph against the billionaire after all?
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