Level 1

Captain Jellybeard and the Giant South Sea Prawn

Author Simon Cheshire


friendship, cooperation, initiative, teamwork, bravery

Cap’n Jessica Jellybeard and her trusty young First Mate, Ben, lead the fearsome-est galleon of pirates on the high seas, ahaaarrrr! They are in competition with the evil Captain Skullbone and his crew of ne’er-do-wells: whoever captures the legendary Giant South Sea Prawn will be able to sell it to Ye Olde Ocean Zoo for a fortune in gold! The race is on... but will Captain Jellybeard be first to the prize? You decide...

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  • Chapter 1 The Giant Reward

    “Yo ho!” cried the pirates. It was a sunny day on board their sailing ship, the Silly Sally. Their captain, Jessica Jellybeard, was the youngest pirate on the high seas. She wore a huge false bea...

  • Chapter 2 Boom!

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  • Chapter 3 LLLaaaaAAAA!

    “North, me hearties!” cried Captain Jellybeard above the noise of the storm. “Set… er… what’s left of our sails!” The Silly Sally changed course. It turned and went north. It sailed towards the s...

  • Chapter 4 Sshhhhhhh!

    “Look out!” cried the lookout. “It’s Captain Skullbone and the Nasty Nancy!” Captain Jellybeard’s crew spun around. They saw the Nasty Nancy heading straight for them! They all let out a yelp of ...

  • Chapter 5 Whhooaaaaa!

    There was a loud whooshing noise. The sea began to bubble and boil. There was a loud SPLASH! Out of the water came a giant claw! Then two giant eyes on stalks! The eyes looked around. They looked...